coffee-for-closers The Vant Group invites you to join “The Art of Business Transfer” a networking series of professional service providers to learn and exchange winning strategies in successful business communities. Alex Vantarakis will present the Five-Point Advantage and key strategies that ensure good outcomes for buyers, sellers and their advisors. If you have the opportunity to make the event one time, please check back after a couple of months and see if there are any slots open so that everyone has a networking opportunity.

Sample Topics

  • Tax Implications of a Sale
  • Getting Your Business Ready to be Sold at Maximum Value
  • Sale Price Misconceptions
  • Lack of Management in Place
  • Bad Advisory Team
  • Employee / Partner Buyout – Exit Strategy
  • Key Factors Influencing a Business Valuation
  • Buying vs Starting a Business
  • Reducing Risk When Buying a Business
  • Who are the Buyers?


  • Learn – about the Art of Business Transfer
  • Connect – with a team of professionals from key fields influencing business communities
  • Expand – gain strategic insights that will maximize financial return for yourself and your clients
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Congratulations to The Vant Group for raising professional networking to a higher level. The Art of Business Transfer easily transcends from a warm and inviting introduction time to an informative, engaging, and focused collaborative forum. Attendees are enlisted to interact openly with Alex Vantarakis and the team as they unveil the philosophies and operations that define and direct The Vant Group, while encouraging an open discussion to provide in-depth insight into current and projected challenges and opportunities for all respective professions present. I found a great deal of value in the event, and would recommend it to everyone who has a practice that centers around businesses and business owners, or is interested in expanding their practice in that direction.


Just a quick note to thank you, Alex and The Vant Group team for putting on the networking event on Thursdays. I attend many networking events but the structure you have put together is, I feel, exceptional. Having attended a couple of times now, I am very impressed with the quality of the attendees and the discussion topics. I have made some great contacts and picked up useful information which I am confident will help me as I discuss various business topics with my clients. I look forward to future events.

- KS 

Out of all the networking meetings I have been involved in, this was by far the most interactive and informative one I have attended.   Bringing the attendees into the conversation and making it more about them.  These are the types of meetings I have been looking for.  

CM Banker

Alex, your event was one of the best I've attended.  Thanks to Dirk for inviting me. The content was right on. You had high quality attendees. I'm not sure, with my limited talents, how I got mixed in with that group. I believe, like insperity, The Vant Group, is the "real deal".  I hope we can work together in the future.


I would strongly recommend The Art of The Business Transfer to anyone and everyone. Alex and the rest of The Vant Group have a wealth of knowledge that we can all glean something from. The other high caliber attendees foster a great discussion and learning environment, plus many "best-practices" are shared around the table.  I hope to attend many more events going forward.

CM Banker


I have attended two sessions on the Art of the Deal at The Vant Group. Both have been extremely informative and provided a slightly different look at how I need to help companies position themselves for acquisition.

In addition, the attendees were senior level, contributed to the discussion and have become contacts for supporting each other's businesses. 

I appreciate The Vant Group hosting these sessions and highly recommend others attend.

