The Vant Capital Raise Process is Proven Based on Years of Successful Practice.
Prepackage yourself! You need a credit score of at least 680. Make sure you have enough for a down payment.

Schedule an initial meeting for consulting to review your situation and determine what type of loan you should pursue.

After your business review, we determine the kind of loan you need and will ensure that you are packaged properly.

Determine the type of funding source that is appropriate for your situation.

Obtain the loan application. We will assist you in filling it out correctly.

Submit your application for pre-approval from the bank.

If approved, you will get a term sheet with a list of items you'll need to provide to continue with the loan process.

If denied, we ask why? Then, we will help you clean-up any issues identified and resubmit the application.

We discuss your application with underwriting at the bank. We ask lots of questions to get the underwriters package complete and ready to go to the committee for review.

The committee vote is approved or denied contingent on the items in package. Facts are right only 5 percent of the time.

If approved, we will will get a needs list for you which will include an array of financial and other information.

Loan documents are then prepared and reviewed for finalization.

Receive your funding and get your check.

Let's Celebrate!